“We are not called to be like the world; but to excel them in order, union, peace, and in good works—works that are truly virtuous.”
– Father Joseph Meacham
Simplicity – Utility – Honesty
Specialists in Antique Shaker Design —
Furniture and Fine Craft

Masterworks of Color opens at the New Britain Museum of American Art
The eleventh exhibition in NBMAA’s Shaker Gallery explores Shaker color, an underrepresented aspect of Shaker design that lent vibrancy and meaning to the everyday lives of Shakers. Paired with the transcendent artwork of George Edwin Chaplin, Masterworks of Color is a journey into the joyfulness of color. Open February 21 – October 25, 2025.

Save the Date: 2025 Enfield Shaker Forum, April 25-27
Spring Shaker Forum includes presentations by Shaker scholars, special activities, lodging and meals in the Great Stone Dwelling, and networking with colleagues and friends. The call for papers is open now!

CRADLED opens at the Shaker Museum pop-up in Kinderhook
We are delighted to be a lender to Cradled, a thought-provoking exhibition organized by Frances McDormand, Suzanne Bocanegra, and Shaker Museum, on view at the Kinderhook Knitting Mill through December 1, 2024.