WW | Shaker Oval Storage Box – White 006

Bittersweet Shaker Oval Storage Box – SOLD

Possibly Enfield, NH | c. 1840

Maple, pine, and copper
Original stain and varnish surface
2 ⅞” h. x 7 3/16” w. x 4 ¾” d.

Provenance: Watt & Jan White, Stamford, CT

A rare Oval Storage Box made by the Shaker community in Enfield, New Hampshire. The Box has four, slender but perfectly proportioned swallowtail lappers on the base that are justified slightly to the left so that the base and lid are united by a single contoured curve when the Box is closed—an exciting, asymmetrical design. The copper rivets adhering the lappers to the box are also perfectly aligned and arranged in an unusual pattern. Three vertical scribe lines are visible connecting the ends of the fingers and rows of tacks.

Retaining a translucent bittersweet paint, this distinctive Oval Box has survived in a very fine state of preservation. There is a minuscule crack around a tack on the right side of the box with some delamination visible to the right of the crack.

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